Sunday, May 17, 2009

5/17/09 Adventures in your own back yard

Every now and then, things fall apart for the better. That was the case today. Some people could not make it, the place we were going to was to be closed that day. "we learn this an hour before departure time",,not good!! I was to meet Wook at Tim Horton's. I pull the VTX out of the building at 10:15 and get ready to go. The temperature is in the low 50's...I pull out of the drive and get underway, Wook shows up at 11:10,,,a little late,,oh well...Wook has his 10 year old son Keegan with him, poor kid looks cold. We ride out to Steve's house to find him and Patrice waiting in the drive. With our plans going south we decide to ride out to Jimbo's for lunch and ride the Hocking Hills area. Jimbo's is a long time favorite hang out for bikers. We stop to top off the tanks and get underway.

I am in the lead, wook is behind me and Steve bringing up the rear. We take rt. 159 out of town to rt. 180, turn right and towards Laurelville. I open up the throttle and bring the bike to 60 mph. At 60 mph the air feels cold, but it is good to be on our way. We roll through Hallsville and and its back up to speed . A cemetery on our left tells me over the hill is Adelphi, I know this area well. I roll off the throttle slowing the VTX to the posted 35 mph. A left turn and over the hill and we roll into Laurelville, where we pick up rt. 56.

Leaving Laurelville on rt. 56 east I cannot help but get a warm feeling inside despite the brisk temperature. The first thing I notice is an American flag waving in the breeze high upon a flagpole, then another,,and another. I see 5 flags in the first couple of miles, one looks new, another faded,,the next a bit tattered and worn, faded,,but still she flies proud. The next thing I see are the rolling hills of southeastern Ohio, in this rural and depressed area lies some of the most beautiful scenery in the country. Before I know it, we arrive at Jimbo's. Time for a Jimbo burger, fries and a diet pepsi.

Lunch was great, and the company of my friends even better. We leave Jimbo's with full bellies,,stuffed is more like it. We continue on rt 56 , a small detour to Old Mans Cave. We stop to explore a little, do some hiking,,and see the lower falls. Wook's 10 year old son running ahead we trek down to the bottom of the waterfall,,what a site. But with the late start we find the day wearing on,,, time to roll..

Back on rt 56 we head east to rt 93. A right turn and we are now southbound, 10 miles to Mcarthur. A short stop there to say our goodbyes , Shawn (wook) and his son will stay on 93, Steve, Patrice , and I will turn on to rt 50 west. 30 minutes later the ride is over, it has been a great afternoon. An 89 mile ride I will remember for a long time