Up at 5:30, shower and get ready to go. The storms have passed, the sky is clear. We are quiet and try not to wake our host. A short note thanking them for their hospitality , and we slip out the back door. Roll the bikes out of the garage, and we start out the drive, I look back at the house and am sorry we did not get to say our goodbyes. But we have alot of ground to make up, we lost half a day due to weather and today we need to make up for that. 12 mile's or so down the road we stop at Hannah's general store/gas station/restaurant/video rental and hardware store,,,located next to the car wash/Laundromat...you gotta love these kind of places. We top off our tanks, and have breakfast before leaving. With the road closed we follow a detour, oh man what a ride,,switchbacks, ,,it was great. I see a turtle on the road, then another and another...hmm,,maybe I should slow down a little.
We work our way through the Mark Twain national forest, A nice ride. Just outside of Cape Girardeau we take a short break, and top off the tanks again. We cross into Ky. Oh closer to home,, we are tired ,,but push on to Paduchah Ky. There we stop for the night, go out for pizza,,and I get us lost going back to the hotel,,,Damn,,Sorry Steve,,,I am sooo tired.
Tomorrow we will be home, the plan was to tour the back roads of western Kentucky,,,but no,,we talk it over and decide to ride hard for home tomorrow.